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United Faculty of Central (UFC) is the university faculty union which represents the interests of all Central Washington University faculty and coaches on matters of wages, salaries, and working conditions. All faculty/coaches are in the bargaining unit. (For the distinction between the bargaining unit and members, see here.) A Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), jointly signed by CWU and UFC, and ratified by CWU's Board of Trustees and by UFC's membership, specifies policies and procedures related to these matters. UFC is led by four elected officers, and an Executive Board. A separate Bargaining Team handles contract negotiations.

Officers (2023-2025)

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Executive Board

An Executive Board assists the officers in managing the affairs and business of the UFC.
Members for 2023-2024 include:

Chong Eun Ahn, History

James Avey, Management   

Stuart Boersma, Math

Ruthi Erdman, English        

Kevin Feeney, Interdisciplinary Studies

Liz Fountain, ITAM

Ian Loverro, CSEL

Dan Lipori, Music 

Karen Roemer, Health Sciences  

Terry Wilson, Management

NTT Newsletter Creators

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Christina Bistracean

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Michelle Rahn

Bargaining Team

Faculty may always contact the officers (listed above), but we also encourage faculty with questions or concerns to reach out to a UFC liaison. It need not be a liaison in your own department.

The current liaisons (on top of the faculty listed above) are:

Roxanne Easley (History), Steve Hackenberger (Anthro.), Bob Hickey (Geog.), Keith Lewis (Art + Design), Jean Marie Linhart (Math), Rich Marsicano (Psych.), Holly Pinkart (Biol. Sci.), Roger Schaefer (L&J), Todd Schaefer (Poli. Sci.), Bob Trumpy (ITAM)


United Faculty of Central supports the rights of all CWU employees and students to equal recognition and protection under the law. As our slogan says, Our working environment is our students' learning environment. UFC is committed to creating a working environment for faculty in which both faculty and students can pursue the University's educational mission, unimpeded by prejudice of any kind. We unequivocally extend our full support for both CWU's faculty and students of color. We see you, and we stand with you.

© United Faculty of Central 2022

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