United Faculty of Central
Our working environment is our students' learning environment.
As a CWU faculty member, you are automatically represented by UFC as part of the bargaining unit. There is no representation fee. Membership is voluntary. Members pay dues, scaled by salary, as detailed in the table below. One benefit of membership is that you may vote in union elections, on contract ratifications, and on union policy and procedural changes. But most importantly, your membership strengthens our united voice.
Complete the fillable pdf form and do one of the following:
1) send it electronically (add your electronic signature; or print the form, sign it, and scan it; or just type your name) to ufcentral.vicepresident@gmail.com or
2) print out the form and mail it to:
PO Box 1654
Ellensburg, WA 98926-1654
Payments begin at enrollment and are not retroactive.
The first dues payment for each year is deducted
from the second paycheck (which is usually Oct. 25).
Dues are not paid during the summer (June 16th - Sept. 15th).
What do you get for your membership dues?
Experienced union staff dedicated solely to UFWS faculty unions
UFWS local union representation on UFWS Program Council focused solely on four-year faculty unions
Assistance with contract negotiations, including compensation, workload and other terms of employment
Enforcement of negotiated contract through grievance process
Budget analysis and research assistance in contract bargaining
Legal representation and costs for job-related actions, including dismissal and discipline actions
Legal representation to defend academic freedom
Communication expertise and publications
Advocacy on state and federal legislation and policy
Availability to participate in separate political action activities to promote pro-higher education candidates
Professional liability insurance ($1,000,000)